Day 6 (Week 1, Day 6)
A fun night for Josh and Xander as their Gran (Chris' mum) took over the reading of their three books for the evening as I got back late, just as they were settling down to read! I want as many as people to read to them during the Picture Book Challenge as, despite the fact I love to do it, I'm sure it's nice for them to have different voices reading to them to bring a bit of variety! It's also nice for me to see how from a bit further afield just how entranced they become when they're being read to, barely glancing away from the page as they get taken on adventure after adventure.

You may have noticed from the book info above that this isn't one of the original Rev. W. Awdry Thomas the Tank Engine books, but a newer bright and colourful adaptation. It can be great to bring in a new version of a classic story, particularly if children are drawn to it from their love of its parent show, a love with Josh and Xander definitely have! There are pictures in the original books, of course, but they tended to be much quite small books and therefore perhaps not quite as attractive for younger children, so this big, very colourful version is a great way to get them excited about the book.
Chris says: I was at the library when Xander picked this one out and it was literally the first thing he picked up - I've always liked to read books based on my favourite TV shows and films (Star Trek, Star Wars etc.) so I'm not surprised that the children do too!
Josh says: I liked it because I love Thomas and because it was really silly!
Xander says: Hurry up Thomas!

A nice rhyming book about a cat and a mouse forming a friendship after starting out as enemies. I do like a good cover and this is a very eye-catching one, with the big red train dominating it and demanding that it be read! You can't complain either about a story that shows your children how people can learn to get along and why it's important to always try and help people in need. A very uplifting book with a happy ending!
Chris says: Another that Xander demanded we have the second he spotted it! He insisted on reading it there and then, and looked forward to reading it again later so it was obviously one that he enjoyed with his love of trains!
Josh says: I liked when the mouse and the cat were friends at the end.
Xander says: I like trains and ships! (N.B. No, there were no ships in this book, but he was very insistent that he wanted me to write about them!)

I know, Christmas has been gone for a little while, but it's still winter and that's more the theme of the book than Christmas, and also this book is so beautiful! I've not come across it before at all, but what a wonderfully illustrated story! It's so warm (despite the snow) and full of imagination, and has a beautiful message at the end about the power of books and the places they can take you. This will easily become one of our essential Christmas reads over the next few years, which is one of the highest compliments I can pay!
Chris says: Oh, very good choice indeed! I don't know how I've missed this over the last few years because it's a beautiful book and a lovely story, and I'm going to happily use its end message of books taking you to the places you love it as a great example of books as the most powerful imaginative tools of all.
Josh says: I like how it talked about books taking you anywhere you want to do because I like to go on adventures!
Xander says: I like reindeer (N.B. The beautiful front cover, predominantly featuring a reindeer, is what attracted him to the book in the first place.)
So, to summarise Day 6...
Old favourite characters, new friendships, and a perfect statement about the power of books make for another great day of reading. I don't know how I've missed When it Snows but despite Christmas having come and gone I'd still suggest heading out to pick up a copy and see the beautiful illustrations and heartwarming story!
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